среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

natural hair highlights in ARLINGTON natural hair highlights ARLINGTON

natural hair highlights in ARLINGTON

natural hair highlights

natural hair highlights ARLINGTON

natural hair highlights in ARLINGTON.Juice the lemons into a small bowl, or just pour the lemon juice in.
Pour the warm water into the bowl as well, and dunk the chamomile tea bag in.
Let the mixture steep for four minutes.
If you want gradual lightening all over, use the spray bottle.
If you want individual highlights, dip your toothbrush in the solution and streak it that way.
Either spritz or streak the mixture onto your hair, making sure to soak strands from root to tip.
You can refrigerate your mixture in the meantime.
Just remember not to overdo it; even lemon can dry hair out if you do it too often, so wait at least a few days between treatments.

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