I posted the conversation in living with addictions but will repost here.
Some see living that kind of life and being an artist as romantic.
Artists create despite their troubled lives not because of them.
Jack and i just had an im conversation.
You should have heard how hard i was hitting the keyboard as i was typing.
Me: check out your girlfriend: jack: i saw the picture already.
Jack: i told you she is talented.
She is a trainwreck too.
Me: it pisses me off to see people piss away their talent.
Jack: sometimes the selfdestructive aspects of their persoalities contribute to musical talent.
Would janis have been as remarkable as she was if she was happy with her life?
Me: i would love to find out.
Too many people buy into the tortured artist.
And too many young people believe it and ruin their lives.
You make great pop or something else.
Me: tell that to their family and friends.
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